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Article 7 - Volume 34/1 - 2024

Paper title:

Urban development and natural public spaces in Daloa, West Central Côte d'Ivoire


Kinakpefan Michel TRAORE1, Atsé Laudose Miguel ELEAZARUS1, Mangoua Akissi Hélène-Francette KOUASSI1

1 Department of Geography, Jean Lorougnon Guédé University of Daloa, Côte d’Ivoire


105 - 122

Publishing date:

17 September 2024


A fundamental element in the creation of the green city, urban nature in the city of Daloa is more a question of unfinished urbanisation than of proactive, structuring development. The aim of this study is to understand the reasons for the destruction of public natural spaces in the city of Daloa. The methodology is based on a cartographic study supported by field research. According to the analysis, the dominance of spontaneous and agricultural vegetation in the creation of public natural spaces is due to a political-institutional deficit that translates into a lack of investment in the construction of a greener city. The result is that wasteland, open spaces, orchards and plantations dominate the natural components of the city, despite the fact that people are well aware of their functions. This loss of vegetation cover to buildings and bare ground affects the comfort, wellbeing, health and vulnerability of residents by increasing the likelihood of extreme weather events such as heatwaves.


Daloa, spatial deconstruction, urban nature, land artificialisation, urban heat island, thermal risk.