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Article 1 - Volume 27/1 - 2017

Paper title:

The Gorge of Izvorul Calului, upper Gersa Valley, Rodnei Mountains (Bistrița-Năsăud County, Romania)


1 Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca


1 - 10


Gersa Valley is a geomorphological subunit located in the southern part of Rodnei Mountains (Bistrița-Năsăud County) and contains in the superior sector some landforms with high degree of attractiveness, such as Izvorul Tăușoarelor Cave, Izvorul Calului Gorge and Bârlea Massif. By their configuration, these landforms have a great potential for engaging in scientific and recreational activities (caving, hiking, gorge walking, canyoning, mountain biking). This study aims to evaluate the geomorphological parameters of Izvorul Calului Gorge modeled in Eocene limestones at the peripheral area of Bârlea Massif.


geodiversity, geologic heritage, geoconservation, geosite, action plan, Izvorul Tăușoarelor Cave, Rodnei Mountains, active tourism.