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Article 9 - Volume 21/1 - 2012

Paper title:

Morphometric analysis of glacial landforms in the Northern part of the Slovak High Tatra Mountains


1 University of West Bohemia, Plzeň




100 - 106


The High Tatra Mountains were glaciated during the European Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), dating back to 20 000 BP. Several studies (e.g. Midriak, 1983; Lindner et al., 2003) showed that all the main valleys, on both Slovak and Polish sides, were glaciated. We can identify glacial landforms typical of a high mountain environment: glacial cirques, complex cirques, troughs, and depositional zones. These form segments of a cascade system where ice accumulated in the upper parts (cirques) and flowed down-valley. Cirque morphometric characteristics (e.g. width, length, altitude, azimuth) were measured in GIS on the basis of the geomorphological map of Lukniš (1973)


glacial cirques, cirque morphometry, the High Tatras