The agricultural sector has a major social and economic
importance for the Republic of Moldova. The aim of the study is to analyze
the probability of the occurrence of late frosts on the territory of the
Republic of Moldova for the period of 2005-2020, a period in which, from a
synoptic point of view, the most obvious effects of climate change were
observed on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. Knowing the
probability and risk of occurrence of these hazardous climate phenomena is
important because it helps farmers decide what, when and where to plant to
achieve the maximum possible crop yields. The study aims to map these
dangerous manifestations throughout the territory of the Republic of
Moldova. Meteorological data regarding the date of the last frost in the air
were collected and selected from the archive under the State
Hydrometeorological Service. Also, the factual material, regarding the date of
the stable passing of the air above 10°C, were calculated in the Climatology
and Environmental Risks laboratory of the Institute of Ecology and
Geography. The main effort was to analyze temporally and spatially the
occurrence of frosts that occurred after the stable passage of air above 10°C.
As a result, maps representing the spatial distribution of these frosts were
modeled. The temporal distribution was represented in the form of tables.
The obtained results will be able to be extended for analysis on physicalgeographical regions and territorial administrative units. The spatial and
temporal trends in freeze warnings may be of interest to any number of
scientists with applied climatological interests.
spring frosts, intensity frost, ontogenetic phase.