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Article 10 - Volume 22/1 - 2013

Paper title:

Management problems and solutions for wetlands and floodplainhabitats in the Lower Prut Floodplain Natural Park


1 Spiru Haret University, Faculty of Geography, Bucharest




88 - 105


Lower Prut Floodplain Natural Park, located in the southern part of Prut river basin is the result of the interaction in time between human activities and nature. This protected area was envisaged as a distinct area of significant value to landscapes, as well as a region of great biological diversity. Within the boundaries of this area aspects such as maintaining a balanced interaction between society and nature, protecting the diversity of landscapes and habitats and preserving traditional land use and other activities of the local population, are encouraged. In addition, visitors are offered several recreational and touristic activities, and scientific, educational and cultural endeavours are permitted within the protected area. Tributaries from the Lower Prut basin have no facilities for riverbed schemes in their sub-basins due to the highly varying hydrological regime in terms of the discharge. However, they can be used as water sources for lacustrine units/reservoirs created as a result of land reclamation works on former marshes or for present day wetlands, but also for social and economic activities.


Prut, wetland, Natural Park, floodplain, management