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Article 2 - Volume 32/1 - 2022

Paper title:

Evaluation of the bioclimate of submontane resorts located between Sucevița and Slănic Moldova based on the THI index


1Department of Geography, Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania
2Regional Meteorological Centre of Moldova, National Meteorological Administration, Suceava, Romania


14 - 28

Publishing date:

28 March 2022


The present study aims to evaluate the bioclimatic potential of the submontane region between Sucevița and Slănic Moldova based on the THI thermo-hygrometric index, for which we used monthly data covering the period 1961-2013. From the analysis of this index, we aimed to identify the annual and multiannual regime of bioclimatic features for the targeted study area. The purpose of this study is to highlight the favorable periods of the year, when the comfortable and favorable time for outdoor activities prevails. The information obtained reinforces that there are resorts in the submontane contact area along the alignment between Sucevița and Slănic Moldova has a sedative-indifferent bioclimate, sparing with long periods of the year (from May to September) favorable for outdoor tourism activities: hiking, cycling, mountain biking, Nordic walking.


THI index, submontane balneoclimatic resorts in Moldova, bioclimatic comfort.