1 University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest 2 National Institute of Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine and Balneoclimatology, Bucharest
31 - 39
Publishing date:
28 September 2019
Environment is characterized by a significant number of physical
parameters, among which is the air ionization. It is also important under
biomedical aspect, because it exercises the beneficial influences of living
organisms. In the introductory considerations, the paper presents some
theoretical details of how air ions are generated naturally and are mentioned
some biological effects produced by ions (especially by artificial ionization),
the most important from therapeutically point of view. Then, are presented
the measurement methods of this electrical component of the ambient air
and some ion concentrations from different places, but also in some
balneary-climatic resorts from Romania. In the final part of the paper are
mentioned the conclusions, as well as some new possible explanations
(based on quantum theory) on how the air ions act on living organisms.