1 Alexandru cel Bun High School, Botoşani, Botoşani County, Romania 2 Department of Geography, Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania 3 Episcop Doctor Partenie Ciopron Elementary School of Păltiniș, Botoşani County, Romania
Air temperature and precipitations are major factors affecting the
climate of a certain place. They define the basic matrix of the climate, and
their evolution are of interest for the whole of both human and scientific
community. The purpose of the present study is to highlight the sign and the
magnitude of the trend in the air temperature at Botoşani city weather
station for the whole period 1961-2017, and for both its major subdivisions
(1961-1990 and 1991-2017, respectively) throughout different temporal
subsets (from the level of an average year to the level of a month). Besides
air temperature, we determined the evolutive trend in the amount of rainfall
using a similar methodology (based mainly on the Mann- Kendall and t tests).
Following our approach, we showcased the thermal and pluviometric reality
at Botoşani, which is in a continuous change (as for the temperature values)
or in a relatively dynamic balance (with respect to the amount of
precipitations). More precisely, at Botoşani, against an annual average
temperature of 9.4°C and an annual average of precipitations of 569.0 mm,
after the year 1961 and mostly after 1990, the tendency was positive, which
indicates an increase in air temperature. From a thermal point of view,
considered annualy, seasonally and by warm and cold seasons (excepting
autumn, with an insignificant increase), air temperature displayed a
representative increase in value over the assessed period (1961-2017). On
the whole, the annual temperature values increased by 0.32°C / decade,
which presents a maximum statistical significance. Annual amount of rainfall
increased over the period 1961 – 2017 by 4.46--5.35 mm/ decade, but this
was not statistically significant.