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Article 3 - Volume 32/1 - 2022

Paper title:

Application of the Angot (k) pluviometric index to Cotnari Weather Station in the period 1961-2020


1Department of Geography, Faculty of History and Geography, Ștefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Romania


29 - 38

Publishing date:

04 April 2022


The paper presents the application of the Angot Rainfall Index (k) to highlight the characteristics of the annual variation of atmospheric precipitation and climatic features of each month in Cotnari. The analysis of precipitation data from 1961-2020 at Cotnari Weather Station, highlights dry monthly intervals every year. January (95% of cases) is the driest, followed by December 88.5%, February 86.7% and March 81.8%. The low values of precipitation are reflected in the reserve of deficient soil moisture and the delays in the beginning of spring agrotechnical practices. The summer months are characterized by an appreciable degree of coverage of the water needs of the soil, the rainiest month being June. It should be mentioned that the summer rains are characterized by short duration (1-2 hours) and are episodes of atmospheric precipitation with a great variability, depending both on the characteristics of the general circulation of the atmosphere at continental level and on the particularities of the active surface.


Angot rainfall index (k), rainfall attribute, susceptibility to erosion.