In the Republic of Moldova, the sunflower is becoming a crop
more and more often cultivated by farmers, having part of an environment
favorable to the development on large areas of our country, however, certain
meteorological situations can favor or, on the contrary, restrain the
development of this crop. Thus, ensuring food security requires a stable
development of agriculture by substantially increasing the degree of
evaluation and capitalization of available agroclimatic resources. Climatic
factors significantly influence the growth and development of the sunflower
culture. The biggest effects on the production capacity are the temperature
and the amount of precipitation. Thus, the contribution of meteorological
factors in the climatic variability of the harvest value was determined as a
correlation between the productivity value and the thermal and humidity
regime using the multiple regression equation. Finally, a correlation
coefficient (r) was obtained that indicates the contribution of each factor in
the formation of the productivity value, the calculated error is 0.01, which
allows us to ascertain the close connection between the meteorological
factors and the productivity of the given crop.