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Article 7 - Volume 19/1 - 2010

Paper title:

The evaluation of the risk for floodings on the territory of Botoșani municipal town


81 - 90


The county of Botosani is not placed in an area of high risk for flooding, because most of the lands within the build-up area are situated on the ledge. Because of the increase of the population, some socio-economical objectives have been located in the high risk area on the basis of the ledge; it’s necessary that the real insurance and that provided by the rules could be established, thereby, the following measures need to be established: the achievement of field works against floods, the gad of the buildings exposed to the major risk. The real insurance of the buildings located on the four effluents (located at the base of the ledge), varies between 5 – 10 per cent, in comparison to 1 per cent as it is foreseen by the rules. The dams built up on these valeys, made up of local materials and generally used for fishy needs, have large uploaders calculated under 1 per cent error, which might lead to dangerous waves of flood, in case of river burst. The possible damages have both direct (material and human losses) and indirect results (traffic jams, coming up to normal conditions, and the price of the operative measures for preventing human victims) The estimation of the damages to certain flood is inconclusive, the most important damage being the one afferent to the main class of the objective, without mentioning the ecological damages, as in case of extreme humidity, epidemic dangers, quick reproduction of mosquitos etc.


risk for flooding, torrents