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Article 8 - Volume 24/1 - 2014

Paper title:

Risks associated with rainfall and floods in the Moldavian Plain


1 Al. I. Cuza" University of Iaşi, Faculty of Geography and Geology, Iaşi, Romania
2 Water Resources Administration - Prut-Barlad Rivers, Romania




89 - 98


Climate changes, less effective land exploitation and insufficient security infrastructure against extreme phenomena induce vulnerabilities for the Moldavian Plain, where floods are relatively frequent. The middle and lower segments of the major streams dispose of improved hydro-technical infrastructure to prevent floods, still, the secondary streams and tributaries, with pronounced torrential character remain vulnerable. The torrential character of the majority of rivers in the Moldavian Plain results in management difficulties related with risks at maximum flow, especially on the first rank tributaries. Our study analyzes the main causes and consequences of floods in the Moldavian Plain and identifies potentially significant flood risks areas.


Moldavian Plain, floods, hydrological risks, vulnerabilities