Atmospheric levels of PM10 in relation to meteorological elements. Case
study: Moldova Region, Romania
Alina NISTOR1, Bogdan NISTOR2, Dumitru MIHĂILĂ3 and Petruț-Ionel BISTRICEAN3
1 Department of Geography, Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania & Secondary School
„Vasile Tomegea‟ Boroaia, Suceava, Romania 2 Secondary School No.4 Suceava, Romania
3 Department of Geography, „Stefan cel Mare“ University of Suceava, Romania
The major goal of our research was to find statistically relevant
mathematical correlations between PM 10 levels in the atmosphere and the
meteorological complex over the Moldova - Romania region. The period of
analysis was from 2009 to 2020. We worked on daily data on PM10 levels and
meteorological parameters from a network of 25 monitoring stations. The
correlations between PM10 levels and air temperature, solar radiation, wind
and precipitation were negative. The correlations between PM10
concentrations, atmospheric pressure and relative humidity were positive.
However, over the medium term (12 years), the overall climatological
correlations between PM10 concentrations and meteorological elements
(assessed using Pearson coefficients) had values below ±0.5. This suggests
that PM10 levels are not primarily influenced by meteorological elements but
rather are closely associated with daily and annual patterns of socioeconomic activities. At time intervals of a few days up to 1-2 weeks, in certain
favorable geographical situations, the correlative links between PM10 levels
and meteorological elements can become strong and relevant (the Pearson
index has in these temporal and spatial contexts values above or below 0.9
PM10, air quality, quality indices, Moldova – Romania region.